May 2024

Navigating Challenges in New Zealand’s Whole-of-Life Embodied Carbon Reduction Framework

Navigating Challenges in New Zealand’s Whole-of-Life Embodied Carbon Reduction Framework

The Whole-of-Life Embodied Carbon Reduction Framework (Framework), aimed at enforcing mandatory measurement, reporting requirements, and eventual caps for whole-of-life embodied carbon in buildings, has stirred apprehension within the industry, particularly regarding the potential for cost escalations and regulatory hurdles. Industry Insider spoke with four companies at the coal face about what this means for the construction sector…

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Tiny Home Made Possible Using the Sanifos 280

Tiny Home Made Possible Using the Sanifos 280

Tiny homes and granny flats are becoming increasingly popular, but to be compliant, they’re required to have all plumbing amenities. That’s where the Sanifos 280 comes in. Learn how it made a Tiny Home project possible…

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Goldair Brings the Heat

Goldair Brings the Heat

Elevate your building projects with the timeless elegance and modern sophistication of Axon™ Panel Brushed Concrete. Discover how it delivers a sophisticated, masonry-like texture without the need for render…

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The University of Arkansas Anthony Timberlands Centre: A Pinnacle of Innovation in Sustainable Design

The University of Arkansas Anthony Timberlands Centre: A Pinnacle of Innovation in Sustainable Design

The University of Arkansas’ Anthony Timberlands Center for Design and Materials Innovation stands as a beacon of forward-thinking architecture and sustainable practices. This cutting-edge facility, part of the Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design, is not only a testament to the region’s rich timber heritage but is also a symbol of the university’s commitment to environmental stewardship and technological advancement.

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